Pet Advice from Dr. Karen Becker

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pet fooled pet food industry documentary

When You Buy Pet Food, Are You Being Pet Fooled?

How much do you really know about what goes into those cans or bags of pet food you buy for your furry family member? 'Pet Fooled' is a documentary film for pet owners that strips away some of the secrecy surrounding commercial pet food and the industry that produces and promotes it.
8 min read
Tonkinese cat
Cat Tips

Crave a Lap-Warmer? This Love Bug’s for You

This breed is highly affectionate and can't get enough attention and cuddling. So if being followed from room to room and a 'chatty,' friendly personality strike your fancy, you'll be richly rewarded with this gorgeous and uncommon breed.
4 min read
6-year-old Bengal cat recovery from brain tumor
Cat Tips

Heartwarming Recovery Stuns Vets

In a breathtaking turn of events, a beloved family pet defies odds with an astonishing bounce back from a dire medical prognosis, showcasing the power of cutting-edge veterinary medicine and unwavering family love.
5 min read