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These Things Can Affect Your Pet’s Feet Like a Badly Fitted Shoe

Most likely your pet isn't into shoes or their associated fashion statement. But their paws still have many jobs to do, and can take quite a beating. And you might be completely surprised by the number of totally unrelated issues that can affect their pain level in walking about.

disorders that can damage dogs' paws


  • Your dog’s paws do a lot of work and can take a real beating
  • While minor paw and nail problems usually heal quickly on their own, there are a number of diseases and disorders that can directly or indirectly damage your dog’s feet
  • A few of these conditions include yeast infections, mite infestations (demodectic mange), ticks and certain autoimmune disorders
  • If your dog seems preoccupied with his feet or you notice any change in the appearance of his paws or nails, it’s important to make an appointment with your veterinarian

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