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5 pesticides herbicides causing cancer
Dog Tips

Never Use These Dangerous Carcinogens Around Your Pet

Time to take control, so you can save your pet from a tragic cancer diagnosis. These cancer-causing chemicals can easily sneak into your and your pet's systems. Which products to avoid — but if you absolutely cannot avoid them, try this.
5 min read
common dog diseases
Dog Tips

Missing These Red Flags Now Could Make You Very Sorry Later

Common inherited disorders and diseases often send out early warning signs. If you know what to look for now in your small, medium, or large breed, you might save yourself heartbreak and your pet's unnecessary suffering later. Clues to look for in nine popular breeds or mixed breeds.
5 min read
benefits of antioxidants for pets
Dog Tips

Aging and Disease Hate This — And It's Not the Least Bit Toxic

It's nature's special gift to you — and highly valuable for your animal companions too. Plays a key role in longevity. A 7-year study of 90 old to very old kitties links it to less disease, higher muscle mass, better body weight, better quality of life and significantly longer life span.
5 min read