Pet Advice from Dr. Karen Becker

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pets fourth of july
Dog Tips

Stress-Busting Strategies for Easing Your Pet’s Fear

The Fourth of July holiday can be stressful for many pets. Nearly 1 in 2 dogs fear fireworks, and that fear can persist for days. There's much you can do to both protect your pet and make the day less threatening. Try these proven strategies to increase your pet's comfort.
5 min read
pet flaky skin dry coat
Dog Tips

Is Your Pet's Skin Itching Like Crazy? Could Be One of These

Winter can be especially hard on your pet's skin. But, you can retain good skin quality even in the dry winter months. First of all, figure out which of these 4 culprits is the root cause of the problem. And treat them to a TLC massage with this natural immune builder.
5 min read
floating kneecap in dogs
Dog Tips

Causes Sudden Limping and Pain, Then Disappears Just as Quickly

A quick, intense jolt of pain, then vanishes in such a flash that it's easy to think whatever caused it is no longer there. Not true. Some breeds are predisposed to it. And dogs with hip dysplasia often suffer it as a secondary condition. Take these proactive steps today to avoid surgery and pain.
10 min read
pet first aid kit list
Dog Tips

Do You Have a Pet First-Aid Kit?

Could your pet survive an emergency if one happened today? If you haven't assembled these 14 lifesaving items, you may not be prepared. Take stock now for the unthinkable and assemble this simple collection before you need it. You'll be thankful later that you did.
5 min read