Dr. Arielle Walton, a Nashville veterinarian, blends Chinese and Western medicine to provide holistic care, specializing in acupuncture, herbal therapy, and whole-food nutrition.
Household cats are now affected by this illness; reports say it could also be passed on to humans. Is your pet protected enough from this alarming disease?
Be warned — everyday devices in your home could emit high levels of this invisible but pervasive threat, which may trigger physical and behavioral effects. Are you and your pet at risk?
Changes in your pet's skin can sometimes be worrying. If you notice these symptoms, it could be this common condition — here's how to manage it properly.
Instead of leaving them at home, could bringing your furry companion to the office be the secret to better productivity and a more positive work environment? Here’s what the research says.
Relatively common but often misdiagnosed, this canine disease causes fatigue and weakness. Sadly, there's no cure, but if identified early, treatment and management are possible so your pet can continue living a comfortable life.
Your dog's eyes are essential to their day-to-day function, but what if an invisible danger lurks underneath, threatening to take away their sight? Here's how to deal with this dilemma.
You've probably heard how this centuries-old technique helps ease pain, promote healing, and revive energy among humans, but did you know your pet can benefit from it, too?
An MRI scan can be helpful to identify neurological disorders, but it isn't foolproof. These studies show how this diagnostic tool can help identify diseases in pets.