Dr. Becker

Reviewed by Dr. Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker is a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian.
dust mite allergies in dogs
Dog Tips

Itchy Pup? This Hidden Bug's to Blame

Is the reason for your itchy pet hiding in plain sight? If so, there are many steps you can take to eliminate these pests from your environment and relieve your pet's symptoms.
6 min read
help cat live longer
Cat Tips

Mistakes Owners Make That Shorten Pets' Lives

Well-meaning owners sometimes forget what makes sense for their pet's health. Especially with cats who can easily live into their upper teens and early 20s, there are five things that you can either do right, or if ignored, sacrifice your pet's natural ability to live out a long life.
6 min read
pet cannabis
Dog Tips

Curious About Cannabis for Your Dog or Cat?

Dr. Rob Silver is a recognized authority on the use of medical marijuana in pets. Learn about the book Silver has written for cat and dog owners called 'Medical Marijuana & Your Pet: The Definitive Guide.'
4 min read
ways dogs are simpatico with humans
Dog Tips

Why Your Dog Often Acts Like a Human

Intriguing results from the past few years show dogs are very distinct from us genetically. Yet they're more like us than the primates we're often compared to. Even Business Insider is onto this, revealing five great ways to form a bond with your dog that sticks like glue.
5 min read
why you shouldnt feed macadamia nuts to your pets
Food Facts

Macadamia Nuts: One Nut Your Pet Should Never Touch

Poor muscle control, weakness and vomiting are just some symptoms that could arise if your pet accidentally ingests this tree nut, so make sure to always keep it out of their reach. Fortunately, consuming it isn’t fatal, but prevention is still better than cure.
6 min read
dog disease fighting foods
Dog Tips

Is Your Dog's Bowl a Disease Trap?

Food has the power to harm or heal. By choosing the right ones and focusing on these five superfoods, you can add in nutritious, disease-fighting foods. By avoiding these others, you can help reduce the risk of malignancy for your pet.
11 min read