Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, a proactive & integrative wellness veterinarian. My goal is to partner with pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s overall health & vitality through wise lifestyle choices.
fascinating parrot facts
Special Species

These Unique Birds Eat in a Very Unusual Way

How they deftly manipulate their food is unlike any other bird in the animal kingdom. And they show one eating characteristic that's similar to you and me. But that's not their only claim to fame. Find out about these fascinating birds today.
4 min read
chronic vomiting in cats
Cat Tips

This Common Feline Behavior Is Really a Red Flag

This chronic problem is so common in cats these days that both owners and veterinarians often consider it normal behavior. But I believe it's a red flag that requires a complete workup. Don't let your vet dismiss it as nothing, insist on these tests to rule out something far more serious.
9 min read