Dr. Becker

Reviewed by Dr. Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker is a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian.
how to stop pet diarrhea
Dog Tips

The Unexpected Causes Behind Your Pet's Tummy Troubles

If you're owned by a cat or dog, it's not if, but when you will deal with a bout of diarrhea. What should you do, and when does it become too serious to deal with at home? Here's what to feed, along with a handful of useful supplements, and when to see your vet.
10 min read
cats and milk
Cat Tips

Cats and Milk — A Wives' Tale or Good Practice?

Since the 19th century, artists have drawn cats drinking from bowls of milk, but is it a good idea in real life? Should you give your kitty milk, even if she enjoys it? Here is what you need to know about a myth that just won’t go away — feeding cow's milk to cats.
5 min read
pet intestinal parasites
Dog Tips

This Twice Yearly Test Could Help Save Both Your and Pet's Health

Your dog or cat could pass this on to you, and it can be a source of digestive issues for you both. Disgusting to talk about, many owners would prefer to ignore the topic or brush off occasional symptoms. But because you and all your furry family members may be at risk, you must be informed.
6 min read
neuroendocrine tumor
Dog Tips

The Little Tumor That's Almost Always Deadly

There's only one treatment for this small tumor that causes your pup pain and discomfort. What to do if that treatment fails. Plus, how you can make your beloved pet's life more comfortable and help him maintain his quality of life.
4 min read
cataracts in dogs cats
Dog Tips

Could This Surgery Give Your Pet a Second Chance?

Provides an immediate and profound solution for affected pets who suffer from this debilitating condition. They wake up from anesthesia and it's a brand new world. It's such an incredibly rewarding surgery to behold.
7 min read