Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, a proactive & integrative wellness veterinarian. My goal is to partner with pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s overall health & vitality through wise lifestyle choices.
Tonkinese cat
Cat Tips

Crave a Lap-Warmer? This Love Bug’s for You

This breed is highly affectionate and can't get enough attention and cuddling. So if being followed from room to room and a 'chatty,' friendly personality strike your fancy, you'll be richly rewarded with this gorgeous and uncommon breed.
4 min read
6-year-old Bengal cat recovery from brain tumor
Cat Tips

Heartwarming Recovery Stuns Vets

In a breathtaking turn of events, a beloved family pet defies odds with an astonishing bounce back from a dire medical prognosis, showcasing the power of cutting-edge veterinary medicine and unwavering family love.
5 min read
short-legged munchkin cats
Cat Tips

Short-Legged Munchkin Cats: Adorable or Unethical?

Munchkin cats are in high demand due to their unusually short legs, but critics suggest the genetic trait, which is a form of dwarfism, may plague the cat with health problems and possibly even make it too painful to jump.
4 min read
cat behavior training
Cat Tips

Your Cat Is Far More Trainable Than You Think — Here's Proof

Does your cat annoy you or control you to the point of no return? If she's trained you to do her bidding instead of vice versa, take heart. This training tool, plus your cat's primary motivation, can help you train these 3 key behaviors and give you a new cat in a matter of weeks.
6 min read
search and rescue dogs
Dog Tips

What Does It Take To Be a Search and Rescue Dog?

Search and rescue dogs save lives during natural disasters, assist in finding people lost in the woods, and are trained to keep searching even in extreme climates and conditions. It's not the breed that makes the best search and rescue dogs but rather these sought-after traits.
5 min read
sniffer dogs
Dog Tips

Dogs Achieving Astonishing Things With Their Sniffers

Dogs' noses are 10,000-100,000x more powerful than humans', giving them an astonishing ability to detect changes in odors. Dogs are now using their noses to help humans, from detecting multiple different diseases to alerting people with life-threatening medical conditions.
5 min read