Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, a proactive & integrative wellness veterinarian. My goal is to partner with pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s overall health & vitality through wise lifestyle choices.
why pet owners favor dry pet food
Dog Tips

Why I Almost Never Recommend This Popular Go-To Food

Contrary to popular belief, it does not keep your pet's teeth clean. Nor does it provide good or even adequate nutrition. There's only one brand I can even feasibly recommend. Even then, you're substituting good for best. And doesn't your pet deserve the best?
7 min read
how to tell if a bird is stressed
Special Species

The Silent Signals of Bird Distress

Learn to decode the hidden distress signals of pet birds. From changes in vocalization to alarming self-harm behaviors, discover how to recognize the early signs of stress and implement effective strategies to ensure your feathered friend's happiness and health.
5 min read