Dr. Becker

Reviewed by Dr. Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker is a proactive and integrative wellness veterinarian.
dogs create mental image of items they sniff
Dog Tips

One of Your Dog's Top Abilities — Don't Scold Her for This

They're wired completely differently than we are in how they approach their world. So, to forbid this is to hijack one of their most vital abilities and rob them of essential info about their world. Encourage it instead. There's even a sport — a brilliant bonding activity — to enhance it more.
6 min read
chocolate poisoning in pets
Dog Tips

This Human Food Favorite Poses a Major Dilemma for Dogs

Even tiny amounts can cause a major reaction, especially if it's this worst of the worst variety. Clinical signs may not occur for several hours, but cardiac failure or death can occur fairly rapidly, up to a few days after ingestion. And this odd, related garden threat can also be fatally toxic.
5 min read