Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, a proactive & integrative wellness veterinarian. My goal is to partner with pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s overall health & vitality through wise lifestyle choices.
turn cat into lap cat
Cat Tips

Here’s Why You Don’t Give Your Kitty a Belly Rub

You may intend it for good, as a love demonstration to your kitty. But that's not how she's going to read it, no matter how noble your intentions. Here's what to do instead, to encourage her to develop a closer bond with you - even as independent as she probably is.
5 min read
cigarette smoke cancer risk in dogs
Dog Tips

Second-Hand Smoke’s Unseen Victims

Think your smoking only affects you? Think again. Groundbreaking research shows how the smoke you bring home could be silently harming your most loyal companion. Discover steps to shield them from harm.
5 min read
pets tick season
Dog Tips

Ticks Hate This More Than Chemicals and It’s Not Toxic

With tick-borne diseases expected to spread as fast as ever this season, all pet owners must be on the alert over the next few months. Don't rely on pesticides though, they're becoming less and less effective. Instead, do this - your pet will thank you for it.
7 min read
gi issues indogs
Dog Tips

The Mistakes Even Vets Make With Digestive Issues in Dogs

Because of how most veterinarians are trained, they tend to overlook the one thing that's been shown to help up to 80% of dogs with chronic gastrointestinal issues. Instead, their go-to approach is often haphazard, unnecessary and likely to make the condition worse.
11 min read
holly ganz

A Game-Changing Treatment for Pets With Tummy Trouble

Too often, conventional veterinary medicine has little to offer pets with chronic digestive disorders, and in fact, some treatments can actually make the problem worse. But now you have another option - an assessment kit and supplements that can help restore good gut health to your pet.
9 min read
pet proofing against poison
Dog Tips

Pet-Proofing Against Poison: A Crucial Guide for Pet Owners

Uncover the surprising household hazards that could endanger your furry friends. From the medication in your cabinet to the plants in your living room, learn how to safeguard your pets against common yet potentially lethal toxins lurking in plain sight.
5 min read