Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, a proactive & integrative wellness veterinarian. My goal is to partner with pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s overall health & vitality through wise lifestyle choices.
does dogs breed affect their behavior
Dog Tips

Think You Know Your Dog? Science Disagrees

A comprehensive study dismantles the myth that a dog's breed dictates their behavior. In truth, with only 9% of behavioral differences attributed to breed, find out what really makes your dog tick and how this knowledge can foster a deeper bond between you and your pet.
5 min read
behavior around service dog team
Dog Tips

The Rule for Service Dogs: Don’t Touch or Distract Them

You might want to go gaga over them, but you shouldn't. It could put someone in harm's way and interfere with the dog's focus on his or her most important task. If you can't help yourself (and many of us can't), please at least follow these 8 important dos and don'ts.
5 min read
safe fruits for pets
Dog Tips

Add These Healthy Foods to Your Pet’s Bowl

Uncover the remarkable power of these foods in battling common pet ailments and enhancing overall well-being. From powerful antioxidants to heart health heroes, find out which foods offer a protective shield for your beloved pets and how to safely introduce them into their diet.
8 min read
fleas ticks seasonal allergies
Dog Tips

Forget Harsh Chemicals — These Oils Deter Pests Like Armor

With tick-borne diseases set to soar this year, you must be on the alert, especially over the summer months. Forget DEET though. It's toxic and often ineffective. Instead, mix this up. Your pet will love you for it, and you'll enjoy the delightful scent too.
14 min read