Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, a proactive & integrative wellness veterinarian. My goal is to partner with pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s overall health & vitality through wise lifestyle choices.
heartworm disease dogs
Dog Tips

Should You Say 'No' to Standard Heartworm Protocol?

If you have a dog and a traditional vet, likely you've been told your pet needs this preventive every month of the year, year in and year out. But has your vet told you about its side effects that can damage your pet's health and its growing resistance?
6 min read
feline cognitive decline
Cat Tips

Helping the Older Kitty With Cognitive Decline

Serious cognitive decline in cats is relatively common, but it's not inevitable or even normal. Know the seven signs that suggest your cat may need a helping hand, including a wide range of helpful supplements. Plus, be aware of the four diseases that can spark behavior changes.
6 min read
can your pet eat onions
Food Facts

Onions: Do Not Share This Pungent Food With Your Pet

Known for its pungent odor and flavor, this kitchen staple may be well-loved in many different cuisines, but it should never be shared with animals. Even small amounts could be harmful, so make sure to keep it out of your pet's reach.
5 min read
interpreting pets thoughts feelings
Dog Tips

8 Things Your Pet Wants You to Know

If your pet could talk, these are the 8 things he or she would most want you to know. But since your dog or cat can't speak up, I'm going to give you a helping hand to better understand their fears, wants, frustrations, and needs.
5 min read
ways pets tell you they love you
Dog Tips

Count the Ways Your Pet Loves You

It's Valentine's Day, and for most owners, their pet holds a special place in their hearts. Today, show your pet how much you care - and be sure to recognize the sometimes hidden (or even offensive) ways she shows you you're the center of her world.
3 min read