Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, a proactive & integrative wellness veterinarian. My goal is to partner with pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s overall health & vitality through wise lifestyle choices.
feline obesity
Cat Tips

Here's What a Healthy Cat's Ideal Weight Should Be

Pet obesity has reached epidemic levels in the US, with cats only somewhat worse off than dogs; overweight kitties are at risk for many serious diseases, along with a compromised quality of life and shortened lifespan.
7 min read
creating mutually satisfying bond with newly adopted pet
Dog Tips

Hardly Anyone Considers This When Choosing a New Pet

Ever feel nervous about making the wrong choice when adding a new pet to your household? Many people do. But here's something important to consider that most people don't consider. And it could make all the difference in the world between a good fit and a bad one.
6 min read