Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Analysis by Dr. Karen Shaw Becker

Dr. Karen Shaw Becker, a proactive & integrative wellness veterinarian. My goal is to partner with pet parents seeking to improve their pet’s overall health & vitality through wise lifestyle choices.
cbd oil for dog seizures
Dog Tips

CBD Oil Significantly Reduces Seizures in 89% of Study Dogs

Witnessing a seizure in your pet can be a harrowing experience. Since seizures can occur for many different reasons, including low blood sugar, hypothyroidism or even a viral infection, this veterinary neurologist is calling this 'promising' and 'exciting' study must-have information for pet owners.
6 min read
managing seizures in dogs
Dog Tips

Natural Approaches for Managing Epilepsy in Pets

Standard anti-seizure medications don't effectively control seizures in about a third of dogs with epilepsy, and these medications can come with adverse side effects and long-term health consequences. Learn more about exciting alternative natural therapies for seizure disorders.
6 min read
canine epilepsy medication
Dog Tips

5 Natural Ways to Help Control Your Dog's Seizures

The FDA has granted conditional approval to potassium bromide for the treatment of canine seizure disorders, but often even a multi-modal approach to treating epilepsy isn't effective at controlling seizures in refractory patients.
7 min read
shy dog
Dog Tips

How to Bring Out the Best in Your Shy Dog

Whether it's from improper socialization, a traumatic event or abuse, or even a genetic trait, a shy dog needs special care and love to feel safe. Here's how to create a home environment where he'll thrive.
5 min read
pets toxic mold exposure
Dog Tips

The Invisible Toxin With Deadly Outcomes — Be Watchful

Symptoms can range from sneezing or coughing all the way to neurological distress or death. And no matter where you live, it's possible this invisible threat could wreak havoc on your pet - or you. Find out which spots are most well-known for it.
4 min read