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woman sleeps better with dogs
Dog Tips

Women Sleep Better with a Dog in Their Bed

Compared to their human sleeping partners, women rated dogs as less disruptive to sleep and better for comfort and security. The survey results support a growing number of studies that show sharing a bed with your dog can have significant benefits.
4 min read
raccoons as pets
Special Species

Why This Adorable Companion Doesn't Belong in Your Home

They may look cuddly and cute, but don't think for a second that they make good pets. Not only will you be unable to find a vet willing to provide care, you'll be a 24-hour-a-day warden for the next 10 to 15 years as you struggle to safeguard your home and protect your family and pets.
4 min read
pet excessive tear production
Dog Tips

What May Be Behind Your Pet's Unsightly Tear Stains

Many pet parents fret over tear staining because of its appearance, yet there could be a more concerning reason behind those rust-colored stains. Before you decide they're 'normal,' rule out these medical conditions that may cause excess tearing.
5 min read
pet hygiene tips
Dog Tips

Itchy Skin? It's Time to Buck This Outdated Advice

Many pet parents and even some veterinarians still believe this outdated notion. If you do, you may be keeping your pet in misery if he has itchy, irritated skin. Here's the rule of thumb that will help keep your pet comfortable with a lower bacteria load on his skin.
7 min read