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overweight labrador retriever
Dog Tips

Does Your Dog Live for Feeding Time? This Might Be Why

Some dogs appear insatiable — they can gorge themselves on food and treats and be right there for the next meal. What to do if this describes your dog, and what researchers found when they looked closely at the breed most notorious for a healthy appetite and expanding waistline.
6 min read
heart murmurs in dogs
Dog Tips

Could These Signs Mean Your Dog's Heart Is in Danger?

Veterinarians once thought only older dogs could develop heart murmurs (unless it was present at birth), but now researchers have discovered that they are far more common, even in younger dogs. Because a heart problem can emerge at any time, know the five signs that your pup may be in trouble.
8 min read
dogs and cats rabies vaccination
Dog Tips

Good News on the Horizon for Rabies Vaccines?

There may be encouraging news for pet owners that could save them money and their pets from unnecessary vaccines. If you struggle with current laws regarding rabies shots, you'll welcome this new development.
6 min read
peripheral vestibular syndrome
Dog Tips

Makes Your Pet Suddenly Dizzy and Act Drunk

Ever had a time when you were so dizzy the room felt like it was spinning? It can happen to these particular pets, too. And can come on like gangbusters, complete with falling down, nausea and more. If this is what triggers it, an ounce of prevention could truly be worth a pound of relief.
5 min read