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nutritionally related dilated cardiomyopathy in dogs
Dog Tips

Canine Heart Disease Has Spiked — Here's Why

This is a frightening, confusing time for millions of pet parents worried their dog has already or might soon develop dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM) as a result of their food. Owners want to know why dogs are suddenly developing this form of heart disease. Is it truly food-related?
14 min read
fmt helping dogs survive parvo
Dog Tips

Is This Groundbreaking Cure the Key to Beating Parvo?

Not much strikes terror in the heart of a dog lover as much as parvo. Now there's a new effective treatment. If, God forbid, your pup gets parvo, request it from your veterinarian. It's not widely known yet, but is safe with no adverse effects. And could save Fido's life.
5 min read
dog anxiety probiotics omega-3 fats
Dog Tips

Nearly 1 in 3 Dogs Suffer from This Often Easily Fixed Issue

It's a leading cause of animals being relinquished to shelters, and that's tragic because oftentimes it's an issue that can be fixed. Sometimes it's as easy as increasing this one nutrient in your pet's food, but don't waste time waiting for your veterinarian to recommend it. Try it.
6 min read