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can you feed oregano to your pets
Food Facts

Oregano: Fight Fungal Infections Naturally with This Herb

Commonly added to pizza and pasta sauces for its minty and earthy flavor and aroma, this herb can be lightly sprinkled over your pet's meals for an antioxidant boost. It can even be used as an ingredient in their favorite treats. Have you tried using it yet?
8 min read
choosing pet sitters
Dog Tips

Does Leaving Your Pet When You Travel Cause You Inner Turmoil?

Have trouble relaxing when you travel because you're worried about your pet? Get the inside scoop on how to hire a high-quality caregiver who has your pet's best interests at heart. Don't leave it to chance. Be sure you look for these six things in daycare, boarding or at-home care.
7 min read
biochar cat litter
Cat Tips

Why You Shouldn't Touch These Top-Selling Kitty Litters

There are two concerns with today's most popular cat litters, and they're substantial. So significant, in fact, you really shouldn’t handle this one type of litter, fresh or used. So should you be concerned about allowing your cat to use them? Yes, indeed. Here's why.
5 min read