Pet Advice from Dr. Karen Becker

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danger of foxtails to dogs
Dog Tips

Foxtail Plants: Summer’s Stealthy Danger to Dogs

Uncover the hidden threat of foxtail plants, summer's silent adversary targeting dogs with its sharp seeds. Unveil the strategies to identify, prevent, and tackle this botanical hazard, ensuring a safe season for your four-legged friends.
5 min read
blue green algae and pets
Dog Tips

The Deadly Threat Lurking in Lakes, Streams and Ponds

Tragically, one family lost all three of their dogs within five to six hours, and only one actually entered the toxic water. These waterways can be found in many locales, even in your own neighborhood. While they may not look threatening at first glance, know what may lie within.
5 min read
how to make a dog friendly yard
Dog Tips

Creating Dog-Friendly Spaces in Your Yard

If you enjoy having an inviting, beautiful yard, rest assured, dogs and lush outdoor spaces can co-exist with a little planning and effort. Here are some tips for creating canine- and human-friendly spaces in your yard for all to enjoy together.
6 min read
pet seizure disorder
Dog Tips

Telltale Signs Your Pet May Be Having a Seizure

Learn what's really happening during those scary moments when your pet seems lost in space. This comprehensive guide breaks down the types, triggers and treatments of seizures, offering hope and clarity to worried pet parents.
6 min read