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excessive licking surfaces dogs
Dog Tips

Could This Overlooked Habit Be a Warning Sign for Your Pet?

Many owners just brush it off as affection towards you or an obsessive behavior, but that could be a big mistake. What to do — and what to request of your vet — if you notice this odd behavior in your pet. Plus — a unique approach for lasting relief and treatment.
5 min read
copper storage disease
Dog Tips

Thirsty, Tired Pet? His Liver May Be Trapping This Mineral

Occasionally, a change can occur in the liver that causes it to trap and accumulate a dietary mineral. The earlier you can detect this in your pet, the better, as this condition requires lifetime treatment. Find out the breeds at highest risk and 10 other telltale signs.
5 min read
geriatric pets quality of life
Dog Tips

Does Your Elderly Pet Have a Good Quality of Life?

If you have an animal companion at home who is in the final chapter of life, it's important to understand everything you can about how he feels, and what you can do to make the rest of his journey as comfortable and happy as possible.
11 min read
do as i do dog training
Dog Tips

New Dog Training Technique That Rivals Clicker-Training

Dogs who were taught by this method were more likely to learn a new behavior within 30 minutes, and to learn the behavior faster than dogs in a clicker-training group. And they are more likely to remember it later. Five steps to help you get started with a training that anyone can do.
5 min read