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worst places pet socialization
Dog Tips

Half of All Dogs Relinquished to Shelters Share This Trait

It's one of the most important things you can do for your pet. But many pet parents make serious mistakes in the process, feel it's not important or do it in all the wrong places. And make no mistake, these six venues can cause far more problems than they solve. Be wise.
6 min read
chronic vomiting in cats
Cat Tips

This Common Feline Behavior Is Really a Red Flag

This chronic problem is so common in cats these days that both owners and veterinarians often consider it normal behavior. But it's a red flag that requires a complete workup. Don't let your vet dismiss it as nothing, insist on these tests to rule out something far more serious.
9 min read
pet friendly workplace
Dog Tips

Are Pets the Secret to Happier Workdays?

Instead of leaving them at home, could bringing your furry companion to the office be the secret to better productivity and a more positive work environment? Here’s what the research says.
4 min read