Pet Advice from Dr. Karen Becker

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14 facts dog ears
Dog Tips

The Signs That Your Pet Is Paying Attention to You

Do you sometimes wonder if your pet is paying attention or ignoring you? Next time, watch for these visual clues, and you'll know instantly. Plus, the pet who can hear the highest frequencies (you may be surprised), and 12 other fun facts you probably never knew about your pet's ears.
4 min read
natural calming herbs for cats
Cat Tips

7 Cat-Friendly Herbs That Can Help Treat Ailments

It's like creating an apothecary garden for your cat. All you need is a small, sunny spot and you can grow any or all of these cat-pleasing and health-supporting herbs. Help relieve itching, boost digestion and soothe arthritic discomfort with these easy-to-grow herbs.
5 min read
dogs mammary tumors
Dog Tips

How to Help Protect Your Pet From Avoidable Tumors

While the jury is out as to whether early spaying reduces a dog's risk of developing mammary tumors, there's much you can do to help your pet stay healthy. Avoiding these often hidden estrogen-mimicking chemicals can help protect against high estrogen levels that can fuel tumors.
6 min read