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pets dietary supplements
Dog Tips

No Wonder Your Pets Love It So Much When You Do This

They not only give a big boost to your pet's longevity. But they can give your pet a new lease on life by nixing some of the pain and symptoms related to aging and diseases. Perhaps even preventing issues from developing in the first place. Do you do this for your pet?
5 min read
dog polymyositis
Dog Tips

Could This Common Misdiagnosis Be Harming Your Dog?

Relatively common but often misdiagnosed, this canine disease causes fatigue and weakness. Sadly, there's no cure, but if identified early, treatment and management are possible so your pet can continue living a comfortable life.
4 min read
wheres waldo
Inspiring Videos

Where's Waldo?

Waldo, a quick-thinking dog, saved his owner after a severe injury, seeking help and ensuring she got lifesaving assistance in time.
can your pet eat onions
Food Facts

Onion: Do Not Share This Pungent Food with Your Pet

Known for its pungent odor and flavor, this kitchen staple may be well-loved in many different cuisines, but it should never be shared with animals. Even small amounts could be harmful, so make sure to keep it out of your pet's reach.
5 min read