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can your pet eat onions
Food Facts

Onion: Do Not Share This Pungent Food with Your Pet

Known for its pungent odor and flavor, this kitchen staple may be well-loved in many different cuisines, but it should never be shared with animals. Even small amounts could be harmful, so make sure to keep it out of your pet's reach.
5 min read
hyperactive dogs
Dog Tips

How to Calm Even the Most Hyperactive Pet

Whether you have a dog or cat, if their crazy-high energy level is driving you up a tree and making you wonder if your house and furnishings will survive, here's great news about how to get them to calm down and limit their rowdiness to specific play times and places.
7 min read
5 pesticides herbicides causing cancer
Dog Tips

Never Use These Dangerous Carcinogens Around Your Pet

Time to take control, so you can save your pet from a tragic cancer diagnosis. These cancer-causing chemicals can easily sneak into your and your pet's systems. Which products to avoid — but if you absolutely cannot avoid them, try this.
5 min read