Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
pet first aid kit list
Dog Tips

Do You Have a Pet First-Aid Kit?

Could your pet survive an emergency if one happened today? If you haven't assembled these 14 lifesaving items, you may not be prepared. Take stock now for the unthinkable and assemble this simple collection before you need it. You'll be thankful later that you did.
5 min read
strange signs of a stressed pet
Dog Tips

10 Easy-to-Miss, Strange Signs of a Stressed Pet

Just like us, our pets can experience significant feelings of stress. Since your cat or dog can't tell you about it, you must be able to recognize when she needs some extra loving care. Watch for these 10 strange signs of stress - they're incredibly easy to miss or to brush off as nothing.
5 min read
mast cell tumors
Dog Tips

Be Aware, That Bump Could Be a Malignant Tumor

Both dogs and cats can get malignant mast cell tumors inside or outside on their bodies. Depending on its location and timing, it can be deadly, so it's a matter that deserves your awareness. Know where and what to look for on your pet's body, plus the breeds most at risk.
5 min read
pillow foot in cats
Cat Tips

Is There a Silent Paw Problem Affecting Your Cat?

Have you checked your cat's paw pads recently? Discover the subtle signs of a rare disease that could be affecting your cat, learn how to diagnose it and find out the treatment options to keep your cat healthy and active.
4 min read
cat pneumonia
Cat Tips

Please Pay Attention to These Life-Threatening Symptoms

When left untreated, they can lead to death - especially if not diagnosed and treated promptly. Pets may need oxygen and other supportive therapies aimed at reducing complications like sepsis. What to know about the 3 types of origins and the symptoms and treatments of each.
6 min read
things not to do when adopting a cat
Cat Tips

Common Errors to Avoid When Adopting a Cat

Many potential cat owners face challenges they never anticipated. Follow these essential tips to avoid the common errors that can complicate the adoption process and ensure your new feline family member settles in happily and healthily.
5 min read