Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
laundry detergent poisoning
Dog Tips

Caution: Chewing on This Popular Product Could Be Deadly

Found in many homes, this product is designed to dissolve in water. If you accidentally drop one and your pet finds it and starts gnawing on it, you're headed towards trouble. Your pet's saliva can weaken the plastic and cause the poisonous contents to leak.
3 min read
feline leukemia virus
Cat Tips

12 Signs of Feline Leukemia Virus That You Must Catch Early

In the early stages, there are often no signs of illness. However, as the disease progresses, your pet's health may gradually deteriorate or fall victim to recurring illnesses. If you can catch it before it progresses to the second stage, you may be able to help your pet live a normal life.
6 min read
cat appetite loss
Cat Tips

Don’t Ignore This Feline Illness Indicator

This is one of the first hints your cat is not well, whether sudden or gradual. But, it can lead to a slippery slope you don't want your kitty to get caught in. So if she stops doing this, a bit of creativity may motivate her. Otherwise, a vet visit is definitely in order.
4 min read
blueberries for pets
Dog Tips

Could This Berry Outsmart Aging?

Discover the simple snack that might just be the secret to enhanced longevity and vitality for your furry friends, backed by surprising research findings!
5 min read
june adopt a cat month
Cat Tips

The Perfect Time of Year to Take on a New Feline Companion

On the heels of kitten season, there's no better time to welcome a new kitty into your household than now. With shelters across the US full to overflowing with cats, young and old, in desperate need of forever homes, consider these five tips for a smooth transition.
5 min read