Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
cats playing fetch
Cat Tips

Think Only Dogs Fetch? Cats Beg to Differ

Groundbreaking study uncovers that fetching isn't just for dogs. Explore how cats are stepping into the game, initiating play on their terms, and why this discovery could change how we interact with our whiskered companions.
4 min read
cat kneading
Cat Tips

This Strange Feline Action Means She’s Craving Affection

Most people would interpret this as an insult. Yet it's your cat's quirky way of asking for affection. You could even call it a handshake in reverse. Plus, what pawing (typical of newborn kitties) means when adult cats still do it. Find out what your cat really means by his actions.
3 min read
how to help cat with hairball
Cat Tips

Hairballs: A Messy Nuisance or Red Flag Alert?

If you're owned by an indoor kitty, chances are you've cleaned up more than a few hairballs. What causes these annoying 'deposits' and should you be concerned if they happen regularly? Know the underlying conditions that can contribute to hairballs and how to help healthy cats avoid them.
5 min read
feline hypertrophic cardiomyopathy
Cat Tips

Help Prevent the Most Common Feline Heart Condition

Cats develop heart disease, just like dogs and humans, but it often goes undetected until the condition is already severe. Diagnosing it can be tricky and there is no cure for the most common heart condition seen in kitties. Help prevent it with this winning combo of the right food and supplements.
6 min read
national pet day
Dog Tips

Celebrating Our Furry, Finned and Winged Best Friends

Today we're honoring the animal companions that fill our lives with unconditional love, friendship and connection. On this National Pet Day, we recognize pets everywhere - whether they are already part of your household or waiting in a shelter or rescue for you to bring them home.
6 min read
blue green algae and pets
Dog Tips

The Deadly Threat Lurking in Lakes, Streams and Ponds

Tragically, one family lost all three of their dogs within five to six hours, and only one actually entered the toxic water. These waterways can be found in many locales, even in your own neighborhood. While they may not look threatening at first glance, know what may lie within.
5 min read
pet seizure disorder
Dog Tips

Telltale Signs Your Pet May Be Having a Seizure

Learn what's really happening during those scary moments when your pet seems lost in space. This comprehensive guide breaks down the types, triggers and treatments of seizures, offering hope and clarity to worried pet parents.
6 min read