Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
reducing stress in cats
Cat Tips

Overcoming Stress: The Path to Feline Zen

Discover the secrets to a tranquil life for your feline friends. From the calming effects of specific scents to the joy of play, find out how simple, natural strategies can dramatically reduce stress levels in cats, fostering happier, healthier pets.
6 min read
cat allergies
Cat Tips

Allergic to Cats? Try This Simple Feeding Trick

Since it's not your kitty's fur coat that triggers allergic symptoms, there's a way you may be able to make your cat less allergenic. And the remedy may be sitting in your kitchen right now. Plus: eight other ways to minimize cat allergies at home.
3 min read
hydrolyzed proteins
Dog Tips

What’s Really in That Kibble?

As pet parents, we strive for their ultimate health, but could our choices in their diet be leading them down a path of nutritional deficiencies and sensitivities? It's time to question the status quo and the real price of convenience feeding.
8 min read
why do cats love catnip
Cat Tips

Why Your Cat’s Catnip Habit Is a Good Thing

Unravel the layers behind your cat's obsession with catnip. From the euphoria-inducing highs to the calm-inducing lows, discover how these plants affect your cat's neurological system in a safe and non-addictive manner.
4 min read