Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
why do cats throw up so much
Cat Tips

Often Overlooked yet Common Causes of Frequent Vomiting

Chronic vomiting in cats has become so common that many owners and even some veterinarians don't consider it to be a problem. However, it's stressful and physically taxing for kitty, and cleaning up is never fun. These two often-ignored factors may be at the top of the list of causes for vomiting.
11 min read
cat butt wiggle
Cat Tips

Your Cat’s Quirky Habit Unveiled

Ever wondered why your cat does that funny little butt wiggle before leaping? It's not just for show! Delve into the science (or the lack thereof) behind one of the most curious and charming cat behaviors.
5 min read
why cat vomits
Cat Tips

Cat Vomit Clues: When to Call the Vet

That puddle on the floor might be more telling than you think. With an array of causes from the mundane to the grave, understanding your cat's vomiting is key to safeguarding their health.
4 min read
raw diet vs extruded diet
Dog Tips

Is Your Pet’s Food Failing Them?

A recent study exposes the significant differences in nutrient absorption from various dog food types. Discover which diets offer superior nutrition and why many pets might not be getting the energy they need from their meals.
5 min read