Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
interpreting pets thoughts feelings
Dog Tips

8 Things Your Pet Wants You to Know

If your pet could talk, these are the 8 things he or she would most want you to know. But since your dog or cat can't speak up, I'm going to give you a helping hand to better understand their fears, wants, frustrations, and needs.
5 min read
ways pets tell you they love you
Dog Tips

Count the Ways Your Pet Loves You

It's Valentine's Day, and for most owners, their pet holds a special place in their hearts. Today, show your pet how much you care - and be sure to recognize the sometimes hidden (or even offensive) ways she shows you you're the center of her world.
3 min read
giardia infection cats
Dog Tips

Tough to Kill, This Pet Parasite Can Infect You, Too

More and more pets are becoming persistent carriers of this infection, and the majority of pets affected show no obvious signs. Here's the common mistake to avoid in diagnosing it, and 3 common sense precautions to help keep your home parasite-free.
6 min read
can cats lose their meow
Cat Tips

Can Cats Lose Their Meow?

It's important to keep an eye - or an ear - on your cat's vocalizations. Just as increased meowing can be a sign of illness, decreased meowing can also signal that something is amiss.
4 min read
national pet identification week
Dog Tips

Failing to Give Your Pet This Could Be a Choice You Regret

This is a vital step to take to avoid regrets. But one of today's most trendy methods carries risks most people don't know about - including sarcomas and fibrosarcomas. Meaning you might avoid short-term regret, but induce long-term regret. Know before you decide.
5 min read
omega-3 fatty acids benefits
Dog Tips

Ignore the Bad Rap — This Helps Heal Many Pet Disorders

Multiple clinical studies show this is helpful for 5 major clinical conditions in particular - heart disorders, brain health, inflammatory skin disease, kidney disease, and osteoarthritis. So ignore the bad rap - you and your pet will both love the benefits she gets from this amazing nutrient.
6 min read
pet care myths
Dog Tips

Risky Wives’ Tales That Even Your Vet May Believe

Watch out if your vet advises you to do these 5 things. Not only can some of these dangerous myths harm your cat or dog, some can create health and behavioral problems. And one can cause adverse side effects that add to your pet's toxic load.
6 min read