Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
treating pet injuries illnesses
Dog Tips

8 Remedies for Minor Pet Emergencies You Can Do at Home

Do you have a first aid kit for your pets, as well as your human family? You should. Start with these 4 easily obtainable items, and use these 2 things most people already have as quick stand-ins. That's all you'll need for these 8 common problems.
5 min read
propylene glycol pet food
Dog Tips

Antifreeze-Like Ingredient Found in Pet Treats’ Latest Recall

It's considered one of the least toxic of its kind, and is used in 'pet safe' antifreezes. Cats are particularly sensitive, so it's banned in cat foods, but it can also poison dogs. Destroys red blood cells and causes many nervous system problems including seizures and coma.
6 min read
vegetarian or vegan dog diets
Dog Tips

The Dangerous Feeding Practice I Can’t Condone

This practice is growing in popularity and I can't understand why. Dogs' and cats' bodies weren't created to survive this way, and depriving them of this basic need could cripple their healing potential and ability to function optimally.
8 min read