Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
animal abuse vs accidents
Dog Tips

Don't Ignore These Warning Signs of Pet Abuse

Do you know anyone who does this? It's now a Group A crime with FBI involvement, similar to other crimes you're already familiar with. And make no mistake — authorities are becoming savvier about whether it was this or an accident. Here are the signs of each.
5 min read
reduce pet toxic loads
Dog Tips

How to Reduce Your Pet's Toxic Load, and Why It's So Important

Your pet's body is under near-constant assault from pollutants that can overwhelm their organs of detoxification, including their immune system. Learn how your pet is being exposed to toxins, how to limit that exposure and steps you can take to help their body detoxify safely.
8 min read
selkirk rex
Cat Tips

The Curly-Haired Cat Breed People Are Going Nuts Over

He'll cuddle on your lap, make you laugh at his crazy antics and is intelligent enough to open drawers (puzzle toys are a good stand-in). Plus, he'll get along well with people, kids and other pets. Which is fortunate, because everyone wants to touch his unusual coat.
4 min read
pet fungal infections
Dog Tips

The Horrid Signs of an Internal Fungal Infection

Most people assume fungal infections with pets are limited to the skin, but certain types of fungi can enter the bloodstream and lungs and spread throughout the body, affecting bones and joints, eyes, liver, kidneys, heart and the central nervous system.
7 min read