Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
cat itching
Cat Tips

Put an End to Tormenting Itchy Skin and Incessant Scratching

You wouldn't ignore this if this happened to you. So take heed when it's your poor pet. And discover the hidden reason behind the itchy torment. Otherwise, not only will she be miserable, but through constant scratching she could create a secondary infection.
5 min read
dog and cat compulsive disorders
Dog Tips

Could Your Pet's Cute Behavior Be a Sign of This Disorder?

What may appear to be funny or cute behavior in your dog or cat may not be normal at all, but a sign of a troubling disorder similar to one seen in humans. More common than many pet parents realize, this disorder can be inherited or simply triggered by something in the animal's environment.
5 min read
cat's life
Cat Tips

Through Your Cat's Eyes: 5 Ways to Enrich Her Environment

If you share your home with a feline, you may not realize it, but you truly are living with a 'captive animal.' Wild or not, I firmly believe all kitties should live indoors. Try these tactics today to help your cat adapt and feel more at ease living indoors with you.
7 min read
devon rex cat facts
Cat Tips

This Irresistibly Cute Pet Is Delightfully Silly

They've been described as having a 'mad-cap' personality with a relaxed and social attitude not often seen with this type of pet. Delightfully silly in both appearance and antics, there's no doubt this irresistibly cute, relatively new breed will steal your heart.
4 min read
common types cat litter
Cat Tips

Cat Litter Box Mistakes That Owners Unknowingly Make

Do you know what type of litter cats consistently favor in studies? And which two scents they abhor? Chances are you're buying the 'wrong' type of litter, in your cat's eyes, at least. How to have a home that doesn't scream 'cat,' no matter what type you choose.
5 min read
anti-inflammatory and anti-tumor eating plan
Special Species

The Best Anti-Inflammatory and Anti-Tumor Eating Plan

A certain gene in cats, dogs and horses - the CD33 gene - controls inflammation, and more CD33 genes can mean a longer, healthier life. While you can't do anything about the number of these genes your pet is born with, there's plenty you can do to help at mealtime.
5 min read