Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
long lived cats
Cat Tips

The Secret to Helping Your Cat Live a Long, Healthy Life

It's not unusual for well-cared for cats to live into their late teens and 20s, as the diseases they are likely to encounter are primarily lifestyle related. There are eight ways you can help increase the odds of your cat living a long, healthy life - how many of them are you doing now?
8 min read
dogs abd cats convenience devocalization
Dog Tips

The Barbaric Procedure Your Dog Should Never Have to Endure

Some dog owners remain steadfast about the 'need' to perform this procedure. But it is a cruel and inhumane procedure that leads to lifetime afflictions - chronic gagging, compromised airway access, and more. And it destroys your dog's ability to 'talk' to you.
5 min read
5 ways slim down overweight cats
Cat Tips

This Mistake Could Rob You of Precious Years With Your Cat

You may consider it normal, even cute. And it may be a sign of your amazing generosity and love. But this mistake could rob you of years with your precious cat. And all it takes is a few tweaks to greatly improve your cat's longevity, comfort, and health. Get started today.
5 min read
thyroid problems in pets
Dog Tips

Is a Thyroid Problem Causing Your Pet's Wasting or Obesity?

Dogs and cats typically exhibit opposite symptoms when experiencing thyroid issues. One will waste away despite eating more, and the other will stack on extra inches without an increase in appetite or caloric intake. Both can be serious, so know the signs for each.
5 min read
when to say no to steroids
Dog Tips

When to Say 'No' to Steroids

Wildly overprescribed by veterinarians, steroids can do more harm than good and put your pet at risk for irreversible side effects, even with short-term use. In one study, 90% of dogs showed side effects after only two weeks. Be wary if your vet recommends steroids for any of these conditions.
5 min read
carbohydrate dense meals contribute obesity diabetes
Cat Tips

The Fattening Feeding Mistake Many Cat Owners Make

The majority of cats in the US are now obese and many are also developing diabetes. Both conditions are related to this common feeding mistake that can lead to chronic inflammation and degenerative disease. Here’s the best way to help your kitty get back on the path to good health.
6 min read
walking cat outdoors
Cat Tips

Your Cat Might Love Walking, Though She'd Never Let On

It'll take her out from in front of that sunny window, but many cats derive great enjoyment, mental stimulation, and health benefits from it. So it's a myth to assume your kitty would never agree. Start it today for her health, mental stimulation, and a unique bonding experience.
5 min read