Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
are spray air fresheners bad for pets
Special Species

The Invisible Way You Might Be Harming Your Pet

Are you increasing your pet's risk of heart, lung and breathing problems, or malignancy, simply by wanting a fresh-smelling house? Found in the vast majority of US homes, these toxic products may be damaging not only your pet's health, but yours as well.
5 min read
dna dog food
Dog Tips

Mysterious Genetic Material Found in 6 Brands of Pet Food

Purchased on, these six foods were analyzed using whole genome sequencing. And what this team found hidden in all six products was appalling: undeclared species of both animals and plants. Not only do these pet foods not meet label claims, they pose a potential risk to health.
5 min read
dehydrated pet
Dog Tips

Quickly Leads to Death If You Ignore This Threat

It's very easy for humans to equate this to a known human symptom. But where cats and dogs are concerned, you'd be mistaken on this. Instead, check out this telltale sign your pet is quickly headed down the wrong road, and needs fast help to save his life. So please don't ignore.
5 min read
how to spot most common feline carcinomas
Cat Tips

How to Spot the 4 Most Common Feline Carcinomas

Cats can develop tumors almost anywhere, but some types are much more common. If you have one or more feline family members, you need to know how to spot the signs so you can act promptly. Here are two recommendations for supporting any pet already diagnosed.
7 min read
stray or feral cat
Cat Tips

These Animals Make Lousy Pets However Cute, Don't Be Fooled

They may seem to call your name, but experts suggest you stay away. They retain wild behaviors and there are far easier animals to adopt that are more likely to adjust well to domestic life. So please don't set yourself up for heartbreak with this mistake.
7 min read
cat indoor environmental enrichment
Cat Tips

5 Things These Independent Companion Pets Need to Thrive

Owners often make the mistake that because these pets are so self-sufficient, they don't need much time or attention. That's unfortunate because, in essence, you're keeping a captive wild animal when you own one of these popular loving pets, and they have unique needs for their health and happiness.
5 min read
cat asthma
Cat Tips

This Life-or-Death Disease May Not Even Be on Your Radar

It can be mild and hardly interfere with quality of life - easy to ignore. Or life-threatening with oxygen deprivation, a true emergency. What you should know even about the mild cases - plus 12 great ways to sidestep the worst problems in the first place.
6 min read
Cat Tips

Cats Are Primary Hosts for This, but These 3 Are More Likely

Cats get an unfair bad rap for this parasite. But in the US, these 3 exposures are far more likely to be the culprit, and cat ownership isn't even a common route of infection. Here's what you need to know, and the common sense precautions that'll help you avoid it.
4 min read