Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
pet excessive tear production
Dog Tips

What May Be Behind Your Pet's Unsightly Tear Stains

Many pet parents fret over tear staining because of its appearance, yet there could be a more concerning reason behind those rust-colored stains. Before you decide they're 'normal,' rule out these medical conditions that may cause excess tearing.
5 min read
pet hygiene tips
Dog Tips

Itchy Skin? It's Time to Buck This Outdated Advice

Many pet parents and even some veterinarians still believe this outdated notion. If you do, you may be keeping your pet in misery if he has itchy, irritated skin. Here's the rule of thumb that will help keep your pet comfortable with a lower bacteria load on his skin.
7 min read
leaky gut syndrome in pets
Dog Tips

Revealed — The Root Reason So Many Pets Today Are Sick

No wonder so many pets struggle with health issues these days. This brew of chemically altered proteins disrupts the natural balance their body tries to maintain, making it difficult to digest, process, and assimilate nutrients — and leads to at least 16 other vexing conditions.
6 min read
high levels of flame retardants in cats
Cat Tips

The Worst Pet Food for Toxic PDBEs

The exposure to flame retardant chemicals (PBDEs) is bad enough with household dust, carpeting and furniture, but now researchers are finding it at high levels in pet foods. Especially toxic to cats, find out which foods were found to be the worst offenders.
6 min read
dogs and cats rabies vaccination
Dog Tips

Good News on the Horizon for Rabies Vaccines?

There may be encouraging news for pet owners that could save them money and their pets from unnecessary vaccines. If you struggle with current laws regarding rabies shots, you'll welcome this new development.
6 min read