Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
biologically appropriate food
Dog Tips

Does Your Pet Really Need 'Biologically Appropriate' Food?

If you ask a conventional veterinarian or even a board-certified veterinary nutritionist if you should feed your dog or cat biologically appropriate pet food, you're bound to get a rapid response that it's not scientifically proven to be superior. But here's the dark secret they're not telling you.
14 min read
feline kidney disease
Cat Tips

How to Help Prevent Feline Kidney Disease

While it's no guarantee your pet won't get sick, these two things may help keep her from developing a disease that plagues more than half of kitties 10 years and older. If your cat already has chronic kidney disease, here's the best way to treat it, regardless of what your vet may advise.
7 min read
Cat Tips

Discover Your Cat's Level of Pain With 97% Accuracy

Kitties may be masters at hiding their pain, but now there's a way to beat them at their game. A potential game changer, this new app uses artificial intelligence to read your cat's health and mood to reveal his level of pain, and with surprising accuracy.
4 min read
catnip affects cat behavior
Cat Tips

Your Cat's Brain Under the Influence of Catnip

Kitties love their catnip and their owners get almost as much pleasure watching them romp, roll, and stumble. But what really happens when they're 'high?' Plus: How to use catnip to help bring lasting peace to a household of feuding felines.
3 min read
nutrigenomics pet food revolution
Dog Tips

Nutrigenomics and the Pet Food Revolution

See what Dr. Michael W. Fox has to say about processed pet food, diseases in dogs and cats related to eating habits, and a book he recommends for everyone out there who cares about dogs.
8 min read
ways to help your pet detox
Dog Tips

10 Top Ways to Help Your Pet Detox

Your pet's body stores toxins and when too many build up, vital organ systems can become damaged, and tumors and cysts can begin to grow. Don't let that happen to your pet - take these 10 steps now to help their body rid itself of accumulated toxins before it becomes overwhelmed.
9 min read