Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
pets seasonal allergies
Dog Tips

If Your Dog Is Itchy or Your Cat Is Wheezy, Read This

Your pet may be miserable right now with seasonal allergies ... but how can you know for sure? Learn how to recognize an allergic pet, how to help your own dog or cat ... and what you must do to prevent your pet's seasonal sensitivities from becoming a year-round problem.
6 min read
liver blood tests
Dog Tips

Decoding Your Pet's Blood Test Results

Your pet's liver plays a critical role in her health, longevity and quality of life. A routine part of regular wellness exams, liver enzyme test values can change from one blood test to the next. How concerned should you be when your pet’s ALP, ALT, AST, bilirubin and albumin values rise or fall?
6 min read
cats combine foods
Cat Tips

The No. 1 Thing You Need to Know About Feeding Your Cat

Have house cats retained the wisdom of their wild cousins when it comes to fulfilling their daily nutritional requirements? Apparently yes, according to this study. If you are owned by a cat, this may be the most important information you'll ever see about feeding your pet.
6 min read
harmful topical products
Dog Tips

The 'Cute' Little Habit That Can Sicken Your Pet — Or Worse

Many pet owners think this habit is endearing and harmless, but don't realize it can damage their pet's GI tract and cause vomiting, diarrhea, stomach ulcers, and even potentially heart or kidney failure. Even though your pet may love doing it, please don't let him.
4 min read
carcinogenic pet foods
Dog Tips

The Carcinogen Hiding in Your Pet's Food

How much of this carcinogenic toxin is in your pet's body right now? Depending on what your pet eats, her levels may be 4 to 12 times higher than those in a human on a per kilogram basis. Find out which type of food has the highest concentrations, and the type with no detectable levels.
6 min read
pet overheating symptoms
Dog Tips

12 Signs Your Pet Is Too Hot: Can You Recognize Them All?

Once summer arrives, the risk of overheating returns. And for many areas, these dangers can arrive even sooner, which can be especially life-threatening. Know how to tell if it's getting too hot for your pet, and what to do if you see these 12 signs.
5 min read
hoarding cats
Cat Tips

Is There Any Hope for Cats Rescued From Hoarders?

Shelters are traumatic enough for cats, but especially so for very fearful or under-socialized cats rescued from hoarding situations. At significant risk for poor outcomes in shelters, cats from hoarding environments are often euthanized. This new program may be able to change that.
5 min read
helping surviving pet deal with loss
Dog Tips

Never Do This After Losing a Pet

Losing a pet can be distressing, not only for you and the human members of your family, but also for your living pets. Many pet parents immediately want to do this, but while you might be ready, others, both human and animal, may not. What you should do instead ...
5 min read