Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
healing animal wounds with honey
Cat Tips

The Secret to Healing Stubborn Wounds

With antibiotic-resistant strains of bacteria on the rise, it's becoming increasingly challenging to treat open and infected wounds. This easy-to-find substance has been used throughout history to effectively treat infections - and it's clinically proven to eradicate bacteria.
5 min read
pet food by-product whitewashing scam
Dog Tips

Big Pet Food's Newest By-Product Whitewashing Scam

It's a fact: The ultraprocessed pet food industry uses human food waste, aka by-products, in pet food, including ingredients that failed inspection and others that aren't fit for consumption by humans or animals. Here's how industry is working to reshape your perception of these 'leftovers.'
7 min read
flea and tick products FDA warning
Dog Tips

FDA Warning About Spot-on Flea and Tick Product Remains

If you are using these popular flea and tick preventives on your pet, be aware of this warning from the US FDA that still remains. Researchers have found the serious adverse events from these products to be much higher that previously reported.
6 min read
cat medicine flavors
Cat Tips

Do Added Flavors Help Kitty 'Make the Medicine Go Down?'

It's no secret that cats are notoriously finicky when it comes to swallowing liquid medications or pills. In this study of 46 healthy cats, researchers set out to see if adding different flavors to the formulas might help. Find out which flavor impressed the cats the least.
4 min read
National Pet Day
Dog Tips

Celebrating Our Furry, Finned and Winged Best Friends

Today we're honoring the animal companions that fill our lives with unconditional love, friendship and connection. On this National Pet Day, we recognize pets everywhere - whether they are already part of your household or waiting in a shelter or rescue for you to bring them home.
6 min read
pet easter hazards
Dog Tips

7 Easter Hazards All Pet Parents Need to Know About

The perils of chocolate Easter bunnies may not come as a surprise to most dog owners, but there are a half dozen other potential threats you need to know about if you share your home with a cat or dog. One little-known, highly toxic hazard has only become a serious problem in recent years.
5 min read
cat irritable bowel syndrome
Cat Tips

Why Your Cat May Have a 'Sensitive Stomach'

Does your kitty experience recurring diarrhea and/or constipation? Does she sometimes vomit or appear to be in pain? Digestive issues can occur for a number of reasons, so it's important to rule out this list of conditions. Know what tests your cat may need, along with the best food to feed.
9 min read
probiotics for pets
Dog Tips

3 Must-Haves for a Pet Probiotic

The GI tract of dogs and cats is much different from yours, so one of the biggest mistakes you can make when choosing a pet probiotic is to assume human probiotics will work just fine. Here's what to look for when selecting an effective high-quality probiotic for your cat or dog.
4 min read