Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
older cat feeding mistakes
Cat Tips

The Worst Mistakes You Can Make Feeding Your Older Cat

Unfortunately, many veterinarians still have it all wrong when it comes to the nutritional needs of older kitties. The Shrinking Kitty Syndrome is a real phenomenon among senior felines; here's what cats over the age of 10 need to consume for proper nourishment and maintaining their appetites.
7 min read
tumor-fighting foods for pets
Dog Tips

The Best Tumor-Fighting Foods for Pets

Chances are, if your dog or cat develops a tumor or other malignant condition, your vet may suggest feeding this soon-to-be-released pet food. Here's why following that advice may be a serious mistake, and what I recommend feeding instead, along with eight immune-enhancing add-ins.
6 min read
ways pets tell you they love you
Dog Tips

Count the Ways Your Pet Loves You

It's Valentine's Day, and for most owners, their pet holds a special place in their hearts. Today, show your pet how much you care - and be sure to recognize the sometimes hidden (or even offensive) ways she shows you you're the center of her world.
3 min read
what is vaccinosis
Dog Tips

How to Protect Your Pet From Vaccine Damage

Many conventional veterinarians believe dogs and cats should be regularly vaccinated, and pay little to no attention to vaccine adverse effects which can and do happen. Worse, these vets ignore the long-term effects of vaccines which can have lethal consequences. Know the red flags of vaccinosis.
9 min read
World's Oldest Cat
Cat Tips

Meet Flossie, Officially the World's Oldest Cat

Equivalent to 120 human years, Flossie is not only a world record holder, but she's outlived two of her previous three owners. Now with her fourth and final guardian, see how she's acclimating to her new forever home.
7 min read
organ meats for pets
Dog Tips

The Best and Worst Ways to Feed Your Pet Organ Meats

Fresh, unprocessed organ meats are a nutritional powerhouse for both dogs and cats. But what's the easiest - and healthiest - way to provide them? No matter what the package says, I recommend avoiding this popular source at all costs. Instead, here's a quick and easy way to provide them.
6 min read
how to make your cat feel loved
Cat Tips

8 Ways to Help Your Cat Feel Loved

Cats are different from dogs, and even from each other, meaning the way to your cat's heart is a unique path. How do you find the way so your cat will feel truly loved and cared for? With a little time, attention and outside-the-box thinking, it can happen.
6 min read
diabetic pet
Dog Tips

Does Having a Diabetic Pet Raise Your Risk for Diabetes?

Research shows that owners of dogs with diabetes are more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than owners of dogs without diabetes. Why is that? Many dogs and their owners share certain behavioral, health and other lifestyle factors, but could the 'sharing' of gut health play a role, too?
4 min read
kibble processing
Dog Tips

Here's What Kibble Processing Does to Fresh Food

Raw food contains all its original nutrients, but when high heat is applied for the extrusion of kibble, the molecular structure of proteins change, as well as the nutritional content of the food. Researchers decided to find out if adding fresh chicken meat to the mix would help.
7 min read