Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
cat pain mistakes
Cat Tips

The Biggest Mistake You Can Make if Your Cat Is in Pain

Even minor pain can lower your cat's quality of life and lead to changes in personality, behavior and appetite. Know the 25 signs of pain in cats, the most common causes of pain and what to do - and never do - when managing your kitty's discomfort.
4 min read
cat human communication
Cat Tips

A Proven Technique to Build Rapport With Your Cat

Providing a rare insight into the world of cat-human communication, this UK study confirms what many already suspected - cats are positively attracted to humans who do this, especially if that person is their special human. Is your cat already doing it, and you're just missing her cues?
7 min read
pet food feeding trials
Dog Tips

The Pet Food Producers Who Are Going Beyond the Basics

AAFCO is the regulatory authority for pet food in the US, but incredibly, pet food producers aren't even required to do the minimal feeding studies - on six dogs - to ensure nutritional adequacy. These pet food producers are bucking the trend and taking extra steps to do right for our pets.
6 min read
pandemic hobby pets
Dog Tips

Pandemic 'Hobby Pets' Being Surrendered in Droves

Normally, animal care centers in this city take in about 200 of these easily attained pets in a 10-month period. However, in 2022, they've taken in 650, forcing the city to purchase a special $20,000 tower to house them and to introduce a bill banning their sale.
5 min read
house cats nutritional requirements
Cat Tips

The Remarkable Feral Wisdom of House Cats

If there was ever a reason to feed your kitty a healthy variety of foods, this is it. Somehow, domesticated cats have retained the unique ability of felines in the wild to provide their bodies with exactly what they need to thrive. For best results, feed your cat this recommended menu of foods.
6 min read
pet chronic pain
Dog Tips

Is Your Pet Suffering From This Hidden Mystery Pain?

Our pets are hardwired to minimize discomfort and hide their pain, it can be difficult to tell when they are hurting. Know the eight signs of chronic pain, the best ways to manage it, and some of the conditions that can cause pain, including this common, frequently undiagnosed source.
6 min read
cats and milk
Cat Tips

Cats and Milk: A Wives’ Tale or Good Practice?

Since the 19th century, artists have drawn cats drinking from bowls of milk, but is it a good idea in real life? Should you give your kitty milk, even if she enjoys it? Here is what you need to know about a myth that just won’t go away - feeding cow's milk to cats.
5 min read
pet minor injuries and illnesses
Dog Tips

8 Quick Fixes for Everyday Emergencies

Did you know that not every minor injury or illness requires a trip to the veterinarian? With the right tools on hand, you can help your pet overcome digestive issues, a low blood sugar attack, cuts and scrapes, bee stings, and nail injuries.
4 min read
how to exercise your indoor cat
Cat Tips

Creative Strategies to Get Your Indoor Cat Moving

Your indoor kitty doesn't have the freedom that she would in the wild, so it's up to you to bring out her natural behaviors to help her get the exercise and mental stimulation she needs. Here are ways to interact with your cat - and strategies to inspire her to play and exercise on her own.
5 min read