Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
cat injection site sarcoma
Cat Tips

The Lump You Never Want to Ignore

Cysts, tumors and other growths are fairly common. And while they can be harmless, quite often they're not. This is one such type. It's more aggressive than others, sometimes taking as little as four weeks to develop. Don't ignore it. Get your pet to your vet.
6 min read
freeze dried pet food
Dog Tips

Watch Out, These Three Food Industry Buzzwords Spell Trouble

Run, don't just walk away from these three types of food. Pet food makers are hoping to cash in on one of the fastest growing trends, betting that you won't catch on to the devious tricks. While these buzzwords may sound compelling, they're best avoided if you're looking for wholesome pet food.
4 min read
trimming cat claws
Cat Tips

One of the Worst Vet Choices You Could Make for Your Cat

Times are changing, and this will (hopefully) land squarely in the history books soon, because it's horribly devastating for your cat. By the same token, it's important to sub in this overlooked habit, or your expensive and irreplaceable furnishings could be at risk. You'll be glad you did.
5 min read
antibiotic overuse
Dog Tips

Are Antibiotics Harming Your Pet's Long-Term Health?

Be on guard — too many veterinary practices still make this careless mistake that can have potentially devastating results for your pet, including long-term side effects. If your veterinarian suggests this, here's how you should respond and request before doing anything else.
6 min read