Cat Tips

Understand your cats more and read insightful tips on how to make the best food choices, solve problems like litterbox issues and health concerns, and more.
cats fiv
Cat Tips

This Serious Disorder Is an Invitation for Love, Not Rejection

Once an animal is labeled with this condition, owners become frightened and tragically, these poor victims are left behind in shelters. And that's too bad, because it's not a transferable disease to humans or other pets, and affected animals often live as long as their healthy counterparts.
6 min read
pet regular preventive care
Dog Tips

Can You Afford to Ignore This Vet Advice?

Learn from top veterinary experts about the proactive steps you can take to ensure your pet’s well-being, prevent common diseases and catch health issues early for a longer, healthier life.
7 min read
fleas 101
Dog Tips

Spritz This on Your Pet to Nix These Pesky Parasites

Fleas despise this, so it's the perfect deterrent to spritz on your pet (and their beds). No longer need to fear the hundreds of thousands of these bloodsucking critters you can't even see. Go on the attack with this staple today.
7 min read
cats urethral obstruction
Cat Tips

This Deadly Indoor Habit Can Be Fatal to Your Pet

Convenient for you, but it can kill your pet within days. That's why I suggest you avoid it like the plague - especially this top one. It's far easier to prevent this pet-killing disease than you think. And you certainly don't want to regret it later.
5 min read