Dog Tips

These comprehensive articles can guide you through the ups and down of dog ownership, from proper nutrition and exercise to training and grooming. Read through all the tips here to keep your pooch happy and improve their longevity.
food aggression in dogs
Dog Tips

Dogs Often Do This Just Before Snapping or Biting

Can you spot the tipoffs? Body language tells some of the story, but not all. While it's natural in the wild, it's simple to prevent in your home. And it could save a scary scenario and trip to the ER, for your people or pets. Take this pre-emptive action today.
7 min read
8 big dog myths
Dog Tips

Eight Myths That Can Make These Dogs Sad and Lonely

Common misconceptions about these dog breeds can leave them wanting love and attention. They may think people don't trust them, or don't think they actually want affection and cuddling. How many of these persistent but false myths do you believe?
4 min read
rising veterinary care cost
Dog Tips

Why Has Veterinary Care Become So Expensive?

It used to be that animal companions were cheap to keep. But no more. Pet owners expecting help in providing an excellent quality of life for their pet, are increasingly shocked over how much it costs to do so today. Why have things changed so and is there anything you can do about it?
5 min read
pet heart disease
Dog Tips

Does Your Pet Exhibit This Odd Symptom? Watch for Heart Disease

You'd probably never guess this one on your own. But if your dog does this in the morning, evening, or when rising from a sitting or reclining position, see your vet. Especially if combined with these other key symptoms. Cats show some, but not all, of these same symptoms.
5 min read