Dog Tips

These comprehensive articles can guide you through the ups and down of dog ownership, from proper nutrition and exercise to training and grooming. Read through all the tips here to keep your pooch happy and improve their longevity.
mushroom poisoning pets
Dog Tips

You'd Never Eat These Poisonous Mushrooms, but Your Pet Might

Be careful if you live in certain areas where this is prevalent. It can be highly toxic to your beloved animals. And it's often nearly impossible to tell whether or not it's safe. Know what to watch out for, because this can be fatal — and that's when minutes count.
6 min read
10 best small dog breeds
Dog Tips

10 Cute and Cuddly Small Dogs That'll Tug at Your Heart

How can anyone resist their charm, spunk, and antics? Not to mention lower cost of ownership compared to larger dogs. From the 'velcro dog' to one that never loses his puppy-ness and more. You're sure to find one you'll want to embrace and love for life.
5 min read
dog grooming
Dog Tips

Is Your Dog's Grooming Routine Up to Standard?

A clean pet is a happy, healthy pet — but there's more to grooming than just regular baths. Here are a few important pointers to help you keep your canine friend clean and smelling good all the time.
5 min read
anal gland issues in dogs
Dog Tips

What's Causing That Strange Odor from Your Dog?

There's a lot of misinformation out there about managing a dog's anal glands among groomers and even some veterinarians. Should your dog's anal glands be expressed regularly or could the practice actually be harmful? Are your dog's anal gland issues due to something you are (or aren't) doing?
6 min read
lapsed rabies vaccine
Dog Tips

Don't Let This Happen to You: Know What to Do About Rabies

Unable to afford the $2,000 quarantine, this family was forced to euthanize their pup after a rabid skunk bit him. But researchers have found those measures to be extreme and unnecessary. What you should REALLY do if your pet is accidentally exposed to rabies.
6 min read