Dog Tips

These comprehensive articles can guide you through the ups and down of dog ownership, from proper nutrition and exercise to training and grooming. Read through all the tips here to keep your pooch happy and improve their longevity.
sharing bed with pets
Dog Tips

Is Sharing Sheets With Your Pooch Healthy?

The latest research questions the benefits of sharing your bed with pets, revealing potential sleep disturbances. Explore the complex relationship between pet co-sleeping habits and the quest for undisturbed slumber.
7 min read
dogs canned food dangers
Dog Tips

A Major Heads-Up: Don't Feed This to Your Dog

The results were dramatic and swift. The toxic loads in these 14 dogs skyrocketed to triple their baseline - in just 2 short weeks. Just think what would happen with long-term use. And to think, one of these supposedly contains none of this particular toxin. Be careful with that claim.
5 min read
fava beans inappropriate ingredient for dogs
Dog Tips

Controversial for You, but It’s Downright Awful for Your Pet

Even this federal agency warned the veterinary community against this health snare. Pets can't break it down because they lack the necessary enzyme. What's more, it binds minerals and leaches them out of your pet's body. So why are food makers so thrilled with this new disaster?
6 min read
how to make dog walks enjoyable
Dog Tips

How to Make Walks Enjoyable for You and Your Dog

Dog walks are essential for the physical and mental well-being of your pup, and maybe you, too, no matter the time of year. If you dread or avoid walks for any reason, here are some tips for getting you both back on track for the new year.
8 min read
pesticides herbicides causing cancer
Dog Tips

Never Use These Dangerous Carcinogens Around Your Pet

Time to take control, so you can save your pet from a tragic cancer diagnosis. These cancer-causing chemicals can easily sneak into your and your pet's systems. Which products to avoid - but if you absolutely cannot avoid them, try this.
4 min read
does dogs breed affect their behavior
Dog Tips

Think You Know Your Dog? Science Disagrees

A comprehensive study dismantles the myth that a dog's breed dictates their behavior. In truth, with only 9% of behavioral differences attributed to breed, find out what really makes your dog tick and how this knowledge can foster a deeper bond between you and your pet.
5 min read
behavior around service dog team
Dog Tips

The Rule for Service Dogs: Don’t Touch or Distract Them

You might want to go gaga over them, but you shouldn't. It could put someone in harm's way and interfere with the dog's focus on his or her most important task. If you can't help yourself (and many of us can't), please at least follow these 8 important dos and don'ts.
5 min read