Dog Tips

These comprehensive articles can guide you through the ups and down of dog ownership, from proper nutrition and exercise to training and grooming. Read through all the tips here to keep your pooch happy and improve their longevity.
geriatric pets quality of life
Dog Tips

Does Your Elderly Pet Have a Good Quality of Life?

If you have an animal companion at home who is in the final chapter of life, it's important to understand everything you can about how he feels, and what you can do to make the rest of his journey as comfortable and happy as possible.
11 min read
do as i do dog training
Dog Tips

New Dog Training Technique That Rivals Clicker-Training

Dogs who were taught by this method were more likely to learn a new behavior within 30 minutes, and to learn the behavior faster than dogs in a clicker-training group. And they are more likely to remember it later. Five steps to help you get started with a training that anyone can do.
5 min read
worst places pet socialization
Dog Tips

Half of All Dogs Relinquished to Shelters Share This Trait

It's one of the most important things you can do for your pet. But many pet parents make serious mistakes in the process, feel it's not important or do it in all the wrong places. And make no mistake, these six venues can cause far more problems than they solve. Be wise.
6 min read
pet friendly workplace
Dog Tips

Are Pets the Secret to Happier Workdays?

Instead of leaving them at home, could bringing your furry companion to the office be the secret to better productivity and a more positive work environment? Here’s what the research says.
4 min read
pets dietary supplements
Dog Tips

No Wonder Your Pets Love It So Much When You Do This

They not only give a big boost to your pet's longevity. But they can give your pet a new lease on life by nixing some of the pain and symptoms related to aging and diseases. Perhaps even preventing issues from developing in the first place. Do you do this for your pet?
5 min read