Dog Tips

These comprehensive articles can guide you through the ups and down of dog ownership, from proper nutrition and exercise to training and grooming. Read through all the tips here to keep your pooch happy and improve their longevity.
why does my dog eat grass
Dog Tips

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass?

Should you be concerned if your dog occasionally eats grass? What is he trying to tell you when he does it? Know the two most common reasons for this curious canine behavior and when it crosses the line from being a normal behavior to one that requires the attention of your veterinarian.
4 min read
why dogs eat grass
Dog Tips

Why Does My Dog Eat Grass? Canine Mystery Revealed

Most dogs eat grass occasionally. But what's with that bizarre action anyway? While it may be just for kicks, these four health-related issues can absolutely trigger the habit. So take time today to pull back the curtain and get the lowdown on the why's and wherefores.
3 min read
exercisingsenior dog
Dog Tips

5 Ways to Help Keep Your Older Dog Fit

Just as important for older dogs as it is for youngsters, exercise helps keep joints flexible, muscles strong, and your pet mentally stimulated, fit and trim. Help ensure his golden years are happy and healthy with these five options for staying active and comfortable.
5 min read
signsof aging in dogs
Dog Tips

Canine Equivalent of Alzheimer's — Can You Spot the Signs?

About half of older dogs show signs of canine cognitive dysfunction (CCD). Knowing the signs can help you provide your pet with the right care and attention. Help your dog stay sharp with these five tips, which include exercise, wellness checks, stress reduction, food and supplements.
6 min read
stretchesfor senior dogs
Dog Tips

Strategies to Help Your Senior Dog Stay Strong and Mobile

Just because your dog is growing older doesn't mean he needs less activity. By staying active, he can maintain muscle tone and balance to help him enjoy his senior years. In addition to short, frequent walks, try these special exercise and massage techniques.
9 min read
signs your dog may be in pain
Dog Tips

8 Signs Your Dog May Be in Pain

Often it can be challenging to 'read' your dog's level of pain, yet there are clues if you pay attention. Thanks to this new research, we now know certain dog breeds are more sensitive to pain than others, and stress and anxiety can make it worse.
8 min read
pet stroke
Dog Tips

Stroke Symptoms Can Come on Like Gangbusters, Even in Pets

Cats and dogs can suffer from strokes just like people. Pet parents remark that one minute their pet's fine, the next he was down and couldn't get up. They're relatively rare, but when they occur they demand fast action. So you'll be glad you familiarized yourself with these symptoms.
4 min read
essential oils lyme disease bacteria
Dog Tips

Simple New Tool for Eradicating Resistant Lyme Disease

New study proves them better at killing resistant Lyme bacteria in people than meds, which could spare you long-term suffering. For pets, ask your vet to run this test to differentiate exposure from infection. As a preventive, spritz this homemade repellent on your pet daily.
8 min read