Dog Tips

These comprehensive articles can guide you through the ups and down of dog ownership, from proper nutrition and exercise to training and grooming. Read through all the tips here to keep your pooch happy and improve their longevity.
flaky skin in dogs
Dog Tips

What Your Dog's Skin May Be Trying to Tell You

If your dog's skin could talk, you might get different messages, but one thing would be for sure with this common condition: Something's off balance in your dog's body. The good news is, it’s usually easy to fix, and any dog could benefit from this recommendation, even if it isn't the primary cause.
5 min read
puppy play
Dog Tips

3 Signs Your New Puppy May Be Overly Aggressive

It can sometimes be hard to tell when normal puppy play morphs into inappropriate aggressive play. Here's what normal play looks like - compared to the telltale signs of an overly aggressive dog ... Plus how to discourage the undesirable behaviors.
5 min read
older pet brain tumor
Dog Tips

If Your Dog Starts Doing This, He May Have Brain Tumor

This is the most common symptom of a certain type of brain tumor. It comes on suddenly and can be terrifying for you. If you see this or any of these other signs of a potential brain tumor, see your vet right away ... don't just brush off any of these symptoms.
5 min read
delayed postoperative hemorrhage
Dog Tips

Is Your Dog at Risk for Fatal Bleeding?

Many breeds are at risk, unfortunately. This mutated gene has now been identified in 36 breeds, and even routine surgeries, like spay and neuter procedures, could result in life-threatening bleeding. There's a new test to identify dogs at risk – should you get it for your pet?
8 min read
littermate syndrome
Dog Tips

An Almost Sure Way to Be Rejected by Your Dog

May cause failure to bond, even when you do everything right. Can also lead to bullying, aggression, and harm between dogs. While it isn't a foregone conclusion, animal behaviorists recommend against it. Plus, what to do if you've already crossed this bridge ...
5 min read
carcinogenic pet foods
Dog Tips

The Carcinogen Hiding in Your Pet's Food

How much of this carcinogenic toxin is in your pet's body right now? Depending on what your pet eats, her levels may be 4 to 12 times higher than those in a human on a per kilogram basis. Find out which type of food has the highest concentrations, and the type with no detectable levels.
6 min read
pet overheating symptoms
Dog Tips

12 Signs Your Pet Is Too Hot: Can You Recognize Them All?

Once summer arrives, the risk of overheating returns. And for many areas, these dangers can arrive even sooner, which can be especially life-threatening. Know how to tell if it's getting too hot for your pet, and what to do if you see these 12 signs.
5 min read
neutering spaying effects
Dog Tips

Studying Dogs That Had Longevity, Guess What Was Found?

In studies of more than one breed, they found these commonalities between breeds. So it likely has implications for your dog of any breed. Despite its 'go-to' reputation, it's linked to early death, as well as storm phobias, separation anxiety, and malignant growth. Do this instead.
8 min read
dog best friend
Dog Tips

Love Finds a Way to Work the Impossible

A Minneapolis woman came home one Friday to discover two unfamiliar pit bulls in her home. Deciding to let them stay over the weekend, she took the pair to the local shelter the following Monday. What happened next is truly remarkable - and guaranteed to warm your heart.
3 min read